Catholic Prayers of Petition to St. Joseph

Petition St. Joseph
Petition St. Joseph
Petition St. Joseph
Petition St. Joseph
Petition St. Joseph

Daily Prayer of Petition to St. Joseph
Beloved Saint Joseph, adopt me as thy child. Take care of my salvation and watch over me day and night, preserve from the occasion of sin, and obtain for me purity of soul and body! Through thy intercession with Jesus, grant me a spirit of sacrifice, of humility, of self-deni

al, a great love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and a tender love for Mary, my Mother. Saint Joseph, be with me living, be with me dying, and obtain for me a favorable judgment from Jesus, my merciful Savior.

Petition Prayer for Assistance with a Difficult Problem
O glorious St. Joseph, thou who hast power to render possible even things which are considered impossible, come to our aid in our present trouble and distress. Take this important and difficult affair under thy particular protection, that it may end happily. (Name your request.)
O dear St. Joseph, all our confidence is in thee. let it not be said that we would invoke thee in vain; and since thou art so powerful with Jesus and Mary. show that thy goodness equals thy power. Amen, St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.

Prayer of petition Obtain a Special Favor through Saint Joseph
O Blessed Saint Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, we pray and beseech thee to offer to God the Father His Divine Son, bathed in blood on the Cross for sinners, and through the thrice-holy Name of Jese, obtain for us from the Eternal Father the favor we implore. (Name your request.)
Appease the Divine anger so justly inflamed by our crimes, beg of Jesus mercy for thy children. Amid the splendors of eternity, forget not the sorrows of those who suffer, those who pray, those who weep; stay the Almighty arm which smites us, that by thy prayers and those of thy most holy spouse, the Heart of Jesus may be moved to pity and to pardon. Amen.
St Joseph, Pray for us.

Prayers and Petition to St. Joseph
We come to you, O blessed Joseph, in our distress. Having sought the aid of your most blessed spouse, we now confidently implore your assistance also. We humbly beg that, mindful of the affection which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and of the fatherly love with which you cherished the child Jesus, you will lovingly watch over the heritage which Jesus Christ purchased with His blood, and by your powerful intercession help us in our urgent need. Prudent guardian of the Holy Family, protect chosen people of Jesus Christ; drive far from us, most loving father, all error and corrupting sin. From your place in heaven, most powerful protector, graciously come to our aid in this conflict with the powers of darkness, and as of old you delivered the Child Jesus from danger of death, so now defend the holy Church from the snares of theenemy and from all adversity. Extend to each one of us your continual protection, that, led on by your example, and borne up by your strength, we may be able to live and die in holiness and obtain everlasting happiness in heaven. Amen.

Petition for St. Joseph's Blessing
Bless me, O dearly beloved Father, St. Joseph; bless my body and my soul; bless my resolutions, my words and deeds, all my actions and omissions, my every step; bless all that I possess, all my interior and exterior goods, that all may redound to the greater honor of God. Bless me for time and eternity, and preserve me from every sin. Obtain for me the grace to make atonement for all my sins by love and contrition here on earth, so that after my last breath I may, without delay, prostrate at thy feet return thee thanks in Heaven for all the love and goodness thou, O dearest Father, hast shown me here below. Amen.

Pray 3 Our Father's, 3 Hail Mary's, and 3 Glory Be's in thanksgiving to God for the graces and prerogatives bestowed on St. Joseph.

Glorious St. Joseph, foster-father and protector of Jesus Christ! To you, I raise my heart and my hands to implore your powerful intercession. Please obtain for me from the kind Heart of Jesus the help and the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I ask particularly for the grace of a happy death and the special favor I now implore (mention your intention).

Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel animated with confidence that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.V. O glorious St. Joseph, through the love you bear to Jesus Christ, and for the glory of His Name, R/. Hear my prayers and obtain my petitions.

O Blessed St. Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I pray you join with me in praising God the Father through His Divine Son Who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the holy Name of Jesus, pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask for (state yourintention).

We have been unfaithful to the unfailing love of God the Father; beg of Jesus mercy for us His brothers and sisters. Amid the splendors of God's loving Presence, do not forget the sorrows of those who weep. By your prayers and those of your most holy spouse, our blessed Lady, may the love of Jesus answer our call of confident hope. Amen.

Petition Prayer to St. Joseph For the Sucess of a Temporal Affair
O great St. Joseph, whose influence over the Hearts of Jesus and Mary is all powerful and who hast never been invoked in vain, I ask, with the most firm and lively confidence, the speedy granting of my request. (Mention your intention).

Dear St. Joseph, obtain for me the object of my prayer if it be for the glory of God and my own salvation; but if it is not, then obtain for the grace lovingly to resign myself to the Will of my Heavenly Father, who in the afflictions He permits, as well as the temporal favors He grants me, has in view only my happiness here and my eternal salvation. Amen.

Pray 3 Our Father's, 3 Hail Mary's, and 3 Glory Be's in thanksgiving to God for the graces and prerogatives bestowed on St. Joseph.

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