The Miracle of Saint Joseph
Mention of this modern day miracle of our times will usually bring on animated discussion. This article is neither for nor against the validity of the miracle, and is meant only to state some of the known facts, both biblical and modern.
The miracle is very different from most revelations because it
asserts new doctrinal revelation. The miracle is the previously
unknown and unrevealed belief that Saint Joseph is the incarnation
of the Holy Spirit, and as fully God as Jesus Christ himself.
This belief was revealed to the world in 1967 and comes to us
through a True Mystic, Frances Klug of California. Mrs. Klug has
continued to receive many revelations during the ensuing 41 years
right up until modern day. For example, one of Mrs. Klug’s
revelations took place July 2007 when God our Heavenly Father
spoke directly to her. The basic content of God speaking on that
occasion was to let people know that they are never alone, their
soul allows God to know what is happening in their lives, and
lastly the goal of human life and human living is to return a
portion of it to The Spirit of Divine Love.
The Miracle of St. Joseph is based upon, and the followers of
Mrs. Klug believe that the revelations are not limited to God
Almighty speaking to Mrs. Klug. Her pronounced revelations also
include direct revelations from primarily, St. Joseph along with
many other saints, and in some instances “unknown”
saint(s) when the message bearer is unclear.
“Stories from Heaven” is a 47 volume set of books
containing the revelations to Mrs. Klug from 1967 to the present
day. The revelations are considered part of the “Miracle
of St. Joseph” in addition to the basic revelation that
St. Joseph is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit.
It is 1972. On a hill in California a modest number of people
have gathered. Unknown to those gathered on this day, they are
about to be addressed directly by Saint Joseph through the voice
of Mrs. Frances Klug. Upon his leaving, St. Joseph introduces
the next speaker, God Almighty, who also speaks directly through
the voice of Mrs. Klug to those gathered on the hillside. St.
Joseph introduces himself with simplicity through Mrs. Klug’s
voice “I am Saint Joseph”………the
voice goes on to this remarkable statement: "There has been
no one like this child [Mrs. Klug] except when the son walked
the land”. This statement denotes Mrs. Klug as the most
unique human being except Jesus. The Miracle of Saint Joseph elevates
this person above Virgin Mary, St. Peter, the Apostles, and Moses.
Direct dealings with God, personally knowing and teaching and
working with Jesus do not rise to the level of Mrs. Klug.
God the Father speaks next and reveals a bit less profound information.
He says he created a long time ago the exact hillside on which
they are gathered and he has now “come” in 1972 to
repossess it (not clear when or why He dispossessed the hill and
who held possession of the hill until 1972). He states the hill
will bring millions of souls to him. The hill has gained the name
“City of God-St. Joseph’s Hill of Hope”.
The Miracle of St. Joseph and the City of God-St. Joseph's Hill
of Hope are are contrary to the teachings of the Magisterium of
the Catholic church. One cardinal and 2 bishops in California
have labeled the “locutions” as “heretical doctrine”
and “spurious revelations” and the City of God-St.
Joseph Hill of Hope is independent from the Catholic Church and
does not have Catholic Church approval.
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